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INKtalks: Rohini Nilekani: From Starting Infosys to Saving Water

Water | Strategic Philanthropy | Jan 4, 2017

Philanthropist Rohini Nilekani talks to Lakshmi Pratury about setting up Infosys in the early 90’s, her attempt to encourage children to read more books, and her foundation, Arghyam, which works with water and sanitation issues.

My marriage and my family’s journey with Infosys happened almost at the same time, and I think we were so young that we could afford to take any kinds of risks. For seven years we often had to go to the US, moving between cities and experiencing different things. But when we came into money, it was very difficult for me to deal with that kind of extreme wealth. It took me years to settle into the idea of it. In the early ’90s, we had this idea that wealth was never made ethically in India, which is not fair to all the earlier industrialists. Even though I knew how Infosys and the fortune came about and how dedicated and ethical the team was, it was really hard to deal with the wealth. I didn’t know what to do with it. When you don’t have money, it seems very desirable, but when you have too much of it, it can create quite a lot of problems.

It took me a while to realise that instead of looking at it as a problem I had to look at it as an opportunity. That’s when I realised that I could use that wealth to do many of the things that I always wanted to do even as a journalist, by helping others to make this world a better place. One of the areas I wanted to make a difference in was education. With Pratham Books, our goal is to reach millions of children with good, Indian, low-cost books, many of which are absolutely free through the Creative Commons.

One of the greatest joys of my life is to see children reading our books. For most Indian children, the only books they get are textbooks, and you can’t curl up with that at night. We wanted to democratise the joy of reading. So in 2004, we began publishing books and created a whole eco-system of children’s publishing that I think benefited the entire industry.

I also decided to put my own 100 crores from a good investment into my foundation, Arghyam. At that point, we asked ourselves how we could use that money strategically, to address certain gaps. So we started work in water, and over the past 12 years we’ve supported fantastic nonprofits in this country across 23 states, and have worked closely with several state governments. The goal is to get communities to accept that there’s a problem, and then help them become part of the solution by understanding how to use water sustainably. One of the things that we are working on is conserving groundwater and reviving springs all over the country. There are millions of undocumented springs in India. We need to collect more data on them because they provide good, clean energy, are perennial sources of drinking water to communities, and feed all our rivers.

Many of our rivers don’t reach the sea. We don’t think of these problems because a lot of us have easy access to water, but far too many people don’t. We need to get water-wise and water conscious, and through Arghyam we try to instill that in people. India has had some traditions of being a low water society, coming from a very strong environmental justice ethic. But we also need to become a low water economy, because there’s no way we can achieve our economic growth goals if we don’t look at the key resource of water. This is the responsibility of our generation.

India has spent thousands of crores on surface water, by creating command areas, dams, etc. But that money has under-performed because India is actually a groundwater civilisation. We have been an open well civilisation, and after the bore wells came, we started digging deep into the earth for water. 70% of our drinking water needs and 80% of our agriculture needs are actually met through groundwater. What we have been trying to do is to make that invisible water visible, so that we can manage it better. We are also working with the government to improve our groundwater management policies which are woefully missing right now. Currently, you can dig a hole in the ground and you have the right to pull out the entire aquifer. We need to make laws more compatible with this century’s needs.

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水资源对亚洲新兴大国构成挑战 ——下篇

班加罗尔:至今年7月,雨季已在这块次大陆的大部分区域驻足很久。在漫长、酷热的夏日,各国往往都屏住呼吸、翘首盼望一场带来清凉和生机的雨,这种渴望已不再那么强烈。不过,这一地区的16亿人们知道,明年夏天这种担忧还会回来。 从根本上说,水是一种有限的资源。对于所有的有限资源来说,我们始终需要对它们进行可持续的、公正的管理,控制需求,改善供应效率,并开发替代品。然而,与这一宝贵资源相关的社会文化信仰和价值观等让上述做法变得复杂。 如今,印度政治中主导的问题是自然资源管理的争议,尤其在土地征用方面。虽然经济自由化已经实行20多年,但是在土地转让的管理和规范框架方面还未曾有任何澄清或达成一致意见。土地转让是不可避免的,是印度从一个以家庭和农业为主的经济转向混合型的全球化经济所必需的。 在印度,土地之争常年都有,到处皆是,然而,重头戏是即将到来的水资源之争。与土地资源 相似,水资源也面临缺少法律和政策共识的情形。在南方的喀拉拉邦(Kerala),一个团体已起诉可口可乐公司,指控该公司过度使用资源,造成土地含水层 枯竭。在北方的查蒂斯加尔邦(Chhatisgarh)的塞奥纳特河(Sheonath River),一份《辐射区水域合同》(Radius Water contract)的签署使得该河流的一段水域被私有化,为此,人们开始了长期的抗议。因为农业用水被用于城市供水,农村和城市的团体陷入了争斗,更不用 说各邦之间因为共享河流水域而出现的大规模冲突。 印度国家规划委员会(The Planning Commission of India)已反复警示说,今后印度的水资源问题会比土地或能源问题更加严重。在筹划印度第十二个五年计划过程中,该委员会会已着手进行广泛的咨询活动, 以期更好地管理水资源。然而,取得共识并且执行措施仍旧是巨大的挑战,因为印度的水资源并不受联邦宪法约束,而是由各邦管辖。 各邦地下水开采情况:条形图显示的是,地下水开采量占地下水补给量的百分比。地图:美国宇航局(NASA)/马特•罗德尔(Matt Rodell)。美工:黛比•坎波利(Debbie Campoli)/耶鲁全球Enlarge Image 与此同时,印度也许需要为长期的淡水短缺做好准备。它是全世界最潮湿的国家之一,年均降 雨量达1170毫升,年总水资源量约四万亿立方米,其中超过四分之一是可利用的。由于人口高速增长,水资源消耗不断增加,人均可用水量——水资源危机的指 标之一——几年来已稳步减少。如果不加选择地对河流和地下含水层进行开采,不对水资源补给和再生进行充分思考,印度在这个十年内会正式成为水资源紧张的国 家,年人均可用水量将跌至1700立方米的通用指标以下。在纯粹的以人为本的立场之外,认识到水本身是大自然中的重要元素这一点是很重要的。 对水的过度开采和过度使用已经对环境造成了毁灭性影响。海洋健康正在恶化,严重污染的水 体已无法让水生生物存活,有些河流再也不能入海,等等。这些后果意味深远。水是经济赖以存在的生态基础的决定性因素。为了保护生态和经济,印度需要有国家 战略,把水资源问题放在发展规划和实施的中心。 正如各国讨论用低碳经济来降低对化石燃料的依赖、减少气候变化带来的威胁,印度必须开创一种低水经济,从而保障未来发展、履行对未来子孙后代的责任。 低水经济的原则应该是,水应当尽量以自然状态留存在环境中。每取用一滴水都必须是合理的。使用过的每一滴水都必须被回收,并且在可重新利用的时候再次利用。 接受这一原则意味着水资源利用的三个主要方面——农业、工业和家庭——面临诸多挑战。而这每一个方面都提供了创造性的机会,让人们在追求经济可持续性的同时,重新定义目前社会与自然世界之间令人担忧的关系。 农业用水如今占用水总需求的80%以上。有多种方式可以使每滴水生产更多的作物,减少水 足迹。这些想法并不是新的,但需要重提,因为需要通过政策、资助和知识生产来更好地实施这些想法。印度必须坚持把农民利益放在核心位置,切断廉价电力和农 田水浪费的联系;激励农田节水技术;合理规划农作物的生产、采购和出口。一些研究表明,目前水以存在于牛奶、丝绸和棉花等产品中的虚拟水的形式,从水资源 稀缺地区转移至水资源丰富地区。这为重新思考虚拟水贸易,以逆转不公平趋势提供了机会。农产企业有经济刺激来提高整个供应链的用水效率,政府政策必须得到 企业的服从。 消费者也可以通过做出明智的选择来支持低水农业。他们可以在一系列健康的、生长过程中耗水很少或非常抗旱的黍类和其他粮食作物中做出选择。在强大的政策支持和领导下,这种意识会像滚雪球那样迅速增强。 工业作为低水经济中的一部分,发挥着关键的作用。工业的用水需求应该来自目前的农业来 源。能源领域是主要的耗水领域,必须为减少水足迹设置明确的目标。其他的工业部门如果污染淡水水体,将不能逃脱惩罚。激励措施必须是一致的,让污染水体或 者把水用于环境、生命和生活以外的用途变得更加困难。低水经济的愿望可有助于开战受到民众欢迎的、保护印度河流的运动。 农村家庭用水几乎没有减少的空间。政府的标准是每天每人使用约55升水,而人们一天至少需要50升水,用于饮用、烹饪和洗澡。总之,每家每户都应该有管道供水和卫生设施,这可以改善公共卫生指标,降低新生儿死亡率。 在市区,重新思考的范围很广。城市对水资源和供应系统管理不善,缺乏公平性、可靠性和供 应的充分性。在德里,人均可利用水量从36升每天到400升每天不等。尽管神圣的亚穆纳河(Yamuna)就在市区附近流淌,首都为了生产更多的水,从数 百公里之外的水源取水进行生产,花费了大量的不可挽回的成本。废水没有得到处理,以便再利用。而且在许多人还在为基本的生活权利做斗争时,德里市也没有对 水源消耗的精英人士进行任何惩罚。 如果国家首都带头对水进行不负责任的管理,其他城市会照样执行。未来三十年,当三亿印度 人涌入城镇时,这些城市将不得不重新设计供水服务。他们必须采用综合性的方法,从源头到水池的整个过程来管理城市用水,在使用外部水源之前先使用当地水 源,确保亲贫政策,采取分散的方式,鼓励在非饮用需求等方面使用回收利用的废水。班加罗尔在有些方面已经领先一步,包括推行一项亲贫政策来确保所有人都有 基本生活用水,按照用量收费的做法,以及对私人挖掘的水井收取额外费用的做法。另外一些挑战是优化雨水,再生湖泊,重复利用废水以降低对外部水源的依赖。 如果不推行积极措施,水会成为制约印度的全面和可持续发展的因素。幸运的是,虽然水是有限的,它却是无限地可再生的。现在印度必须更新它古老的智慧,进行更经济地种植,同时减少水的使用足迹。
Jul 14, 2011 |